Why This Book Now

Poetry handbooks and textbooks have a long and distinguished history. In our new textbook, Learning the Secrets of English Verse, we append a 200-item bibliography of the genre, along with... Read more

The Lessons in Our Stories

One reason that my wife and I so enjoy the annual Great Hearts National Symposium for Classical Education is the chance to interact with people who not only find facts... Read more

Tradition and Community

I teach in one of the oldest ‘Great Books’ university programs in the United States. We still require all our incoming students to take the same sequence of intensive courses,... Read more

Virtue in Motion
Virtue in Motion

Anyone who has read Plato’s Meno knows that the question of whether virtue can be taught is an ancient one. In the world of classical education, it is a question... Read more

The Soul selects her own  Society
The Soul selects her own Society

The Soul selects her own Society — Then — shuts the Door — To her divine Majority — Present no more — Unmoved — she notes the Chariots — pausing... Read more

I Don’t Teach Poetry
I Don’t Teach Poetry

There. I’ve said it. Or perhaps confessed. I quit a number of years ago after noticing that, although I enjoyed books about poetry, especially Perrine’s Sound & Sense and Western... Read more

The Beauty of the Commonplace
The Beauty of the Commonplace

It’s Thursday evening and the girls are asking about tomorrow’s “special breakfast.” I’ve just returned from a trip and haven’t had a chance to think about it, but thankfully my... Read more

Conversation is Our Work
Conversation is Our Work

My earliest memories of learning are from conversations with my mother. I was homeschooled, and these took place at the kitchen table and at the grocery store and just about... Read more

Issue 14: The Director’s Take
Issue 14: The Director’s Take

Remember the last time you had one of those late-night, non-stop conversations with a dear friend? Topics arose and metamorphosed as you discovered new pathways of thought in the exchange... Read more

Conversation in Mathematics
Conversation in Mathematics

Picture an orchestra. Violinists bow, trumpeters blow, and drummers thump, all contributing their knowledge and skill in accord with the conductor’s lead. When a community of unique individuals shares their... Read more


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    VIRTUE Magaizine Issue 15

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